Departed Days by Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

YES, dear departed, cherished days,
Could Memory's hand restore
Your morning light, your evening rays,
From Time's gray urn once more,
Then might this restless heart be still,
This straining eye might close,
And Hope her fainting pinions fold,
While the fair phantoms rose.
But, like a child in ocean's arms,
We strive against the stream,
Each moment farther from the shore
Where life's young fountains gleam;
Each moment fainter wave the fields,
And wider rolls the sea;
The mist grows dark, -- the sun goes down, --
Day breaks, -- and where are we?
First Chinese blog awards launched
The first Chinese blog awards have been announced by popular Chinese portal According to Chinastic, anyone can submit their own or their favorite blogs, but they must be based on the free blog system ...
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The answer coming to my mind in the end was immediately; We are surely visiting Poetry Corner! or else these nice words were lost :-)
Oh that's so nice! Definitely, visit as many times as you want! I'll try to keep up, :0)
cita joon, you are definitely a poet... I am so flattered that some of my photos inspire you...
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