This is my favorite quote, I remember it every time I have to do and/or redo something. [For me] This is as good as poetry.

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. ~Thomas Edison
This is my favorite quote, I remember it every time I have to do and/or redo something. [For me] This is as good as poetry.
Thanx chica.....
Should remember this quote everytime I beat myself up for making blunders in my research!!!!
I think perseverance is a necessary virtue, responsible for all our accomplishments.
Once a professor told me that more people graduated college for being smart rather than intelligent. Of course, he must have included the hard working in the smart group.
very meaningful quote this one. Edison is a true epitome of a hard-working guy himself so it makes it pleasent to know his secret of optemisim.
Another good post by Carmen...
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